Wednesday, March 27, 2013

Winter Burgers (as in, no grill needed!)

I have a deep love for burgers of all varieties. Buffalo, sausage, chicken, turkey, bean, fake chicken... you name it, I'll try and probably thoroughly enjoy it. But to me, the ultimate burger is a beef burger. I know there are purists out there who only put ground beef in a beef patty, and I'm okay with that. But sometimes I like a little pizazz (blue cheese stuffed inside! eggs and spicy breadcrumbs!), and that's exactly what the following recipe will provide. That's right, pizazz.

I'll tell you exactly how I made it, and I'll also provide you with way too many other options or substitutions so you can get your creative juices going.

I don't have access to a grill where I live, so these babies are made indoors in a pan. So for all those other apartment-dwelling folks with strict barbeque policies, fear not, you too can make burgers at home!

Makes 4 burgers


  •  1 lb ground beef (I prefer lean but if you want the effect of burger juice dripping down your hand in pure glory so you can lick it off later, please feel free to get regular ol' beef)
  • 1 small yellow onion, finely chopped
  • 1 tablespoon butter
  •  1 tsp honey
  • Salt & pepper -- season as you wish but go light on the salt, you'll see why in a minute. 
  • 4 Buns (this is that moment where you can put your own spin on it: cheddar buns, thick slices of sourdough, Portuguese buns, or even lettuce for all you low-carbers)
  • Deli sliced cheese (again, go wild: pepperjack, sharp cheddar, mozzarella, gouda, or even a smear of goat cheese)
  • Butter lettuce or any lettuce you prefer (arugula is really great on burgers, too!)
  • Sliced dill pickles, tomatoes, sliced red onion
  • Condiments: Mayo, ketchup, mustard, dijon, hummus, roasted red pepper spread, etc.
  1.  Add the onion, butter, and honey to a small sauce pan over low heat. Cook for 30 minutes or until onions are golden, stirring occasionally. Remove from heat and set aside.
  2. When you are 15-20 minutes from chow-time you can begin assembling the patties. Place the beef and cooked onions in a medium bowl and mix thoroughly. Add about 1/2 tsp each salt and pepper, or a few healthy dashes of each (whichever makes you feel more in control, ok?). Divide the meat mixture into 4 even parts so you can form 4 same-size patties. Use your hand to form 4 round balls, then roughly press them out into 1/4 inch thick patties. Don't worry -- this is not an exercise in making a perfectly round patty. 
  3. Preheat a large skillet to medium heat. When the pan is hot, scatter a teaspoon of salt across the pan. Place your patties in, set the timer for 5 minutes, and let them cook. Flip them over after 5 minutes, please your cheese on each patty, and cook for another 5 minutes. You can start prepping your vessels at this point - smear mayo on the buns, pile on pickles and lettuce. Once the burgers have finished cooking, use a spatula to transfer the patties onto the buns. Pat yourself on the back, you've just made a Winter Burger. Enjoy!
My burger: soft Italian buns, marble cheddar cheese,pickles, mayo, lettuce.

Here are some other combinations I love:
goat cheese, roasted red pepper spread, hummus, pickles
pepperjack cheese, pickles, sliced banana peppers, lettuce
sharp cheddar, dijon mustard, pickles, sliced red onions

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