Wednesday, February 12, 2014

White Sangria with Strawberries

This is unbelievably easy and perfect for those times that you want to get your party on but also pretend to be classy, like when you host ladies night at your place or bring a specialty drink to a barbeque.

To be quite honest before last weekend I had never made White Sangria, so I was a bit nervous. I mean, you pour everything in and have to hope for the best! Yikes!

However, after a Pinterest binge and a chat with a really friendly woman at the liquor store I just went for it. The beauty of Sangria is that you can tweak it to be what you want, not what it should be.

Also quite the bonus, you don't have to splurge on a crazy expensive wine, because all of the other ingredients will smooth out any cheapo wine you pick.

Makes 8-10 tumbler-sized servings (you'll probably want to double, triple, quadruple this recipe, it's just so dang delicious)

  • 1 pint strawberries, sliced (about 2 cups sliced)
  • 1 cup orange juice
  • 1 orange, halved
  • 1 lemon 
  • 1 bottle Pinot Grigio
  • 1/2 cup Triple Sec
  • 16-24 oz. ginger ale
  1. In a small sauce pan add the strawberries and orange juice. Lightly simmer until the orange juice thickens to a more syrupy consistency, about for 8-10 minutes.
  2. Meanwhile, slice the orange and lemon and place in a large pitcher.  Add the strawberries, wine, and Triple Sec. Use a long spoon to mix the fruit and wine, then let it sit covered in your fridge at least 4 hours (overnight if you can!). Pour in 16oz. ginger ale right before serving (adding more if needed).
  3. Serve with a ladle, scooping some fruit into each cup as well. 

Substitution Options: 
Orange juice:  Any other citrus juice such as limeade, lemonade, or grapefruit juice etc.
Triple Sec:  Brandy, Cointreau, or White Rum
Ginger ale: Sprite, 7-up, Lemonade
Fruit: Apples, peaches, pineapple, mango... really anything that's in season!

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