Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Black Bean and Corn Quesadilla

Have you ever put black beans and corn together? With a little salt and pepper? And maybe come chili powder? And cheese? And sauteed onions? In a tortilla?
Well, in case your answer was a pitiful "No," fear not, I will lead you to the light.

I'm not a big breakfast eater, so when lunchtime shows up I'm borderline cranky because I'm so hungry. And when I say borderline cranky, I mean don't talk to me until I have lunch on the way.

This means any quick meal is my favorite thing to eat for lunch, and quesadillas are one of those quick meals I often go to.

Of course, you can put your own variations on this quesadilla, but this is exactly what I ate for lunch today.

  • 1 tortilla (sun-dried tomato)
  • 1 tablespoon chopped white onion
  • 1 clove of garlic
  • 1/4 cup frozen corn
  • 1/4 cup black beans
  • 2 tablespoons salsa
  • 1 tsp. chili powder
  • salt&peppa to taste
  • olive oil for the pans
  1. Put a little skillet on the stove on medium-high heat. Wait until the pan is hot, then drizzle in a wee bit of olive oil and throw in your onions. Cover it with a lid and let them cook for about 2 minutes, until they are starting to get a little brown and crispy looking. The turn the heat to low, throw in the garlic, corn, beans, salsa, and seasonings. Let it simmer for about 3 more minutes, then crank the heat to medium-high. 
  2. Next take out a large skillet, and turn it to medium heat. Throw in your tortilla, and as the pan heats shred a layer of cheese over the whole tortilla. Once the cheese is melted, throw on the bean and corn mixture on one half of the tortilla and fold the topping-less side over it, forming a beautiful and easy quesadilla. I like mine extra crispy, so I let each side cook for a few minutes. 
  3. Slide it off the pan onto a cutting board --now here is the key. Don't cut right away or else it will be all gooey and sloppy. Just wait about 30 seconds to let the cheese set a little, then slice and devour. 

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