Monday, February 13, 2012

Rice Soup

I first had this soup when I was in Thailand, feeling just terrible. I had been laying on the cool tiles of the patio, trying to cool down my feverish body anyway possible and mentally kicking myself for eating pad thai from a street vendor the night before. Rule #1, don't eat street food. Well, as I was laying in the shade and sipping ginger ale, one of the house keepers brought me a bowl of soup. At first I was like, no thanks I probably shouldn't have any piping hot soup right now considering I'm a furnace all on my own, but she just wouldn't leave until I was sipping the soup so I gave in. I'm so glad I did, because a few bowls later I was golden. It was magic soup!
I had to work on the chef for a few weeks before he'd show me what went into it, and I have made this every time I've been sick since then. I swear by it for upset tummies, nausea, sinus headaches, food poisoning, congestion... pretty much anything that makes you feel like a lump.

 You know what makes this soup even more magical? It is so so so easy. So easy.

  • 6 cups beef broth + 2 cups water
  • 1/4 cup minced cilantro
  • 1 cup cooked rice
  • Optional: 1/2 cup cooked ground beef
  1. Simmer all of the ingredients for 30 minutes, then serve hot.
P.S. I have found that deviating from this recipe is just as delicious, such as using chicken broth or ground sausage, but I prefer the recipe I provided. 

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