Tuesday, July 26, 2011

Brussel Sprouts with Balsamic Vinegar

You know, growing up I never ate a brussel sprout? Not even one? So when people would complain about them I never really knew what to say because I'd never been subjected to them. Thanks mom and dad. NOT. Maybe they were fed too many brussel sprouts as kids, and maybe they just didn't like them. But I love them.
 My first brussel sprout was on Christmas day in my second year of university, also my first Christmas away from family. My friend's mom served a side dish of brussel sprouts that had been steamed and then quickly sauteed in butter and garlic... I was instantly converted. Since that fateful Christmas day I have tried a few variations of brussel sprouts, and the following recipe is my favorite. The best thing about it is that you can add whatever you want to it and it still tastes delicious... By anything think pine nuts, bacon, goat cheese... think salty goodness. 

I know I just posted a balsamic vinegar recipe, but just keep reading and prepare to say 4 words you never thought you would utter: I love brussel sprouts!

  • Brussel Sprouts - about 20 (or 5 per person_
  • 1/4 cup balsamic vinegar 
  • Salt, pepper to season at the end
  1. Wash the sprouts and remove any ugliness like brown leaves. Slice an X into the base of each little bulb (make sure you don't slice the whole thing apart, you just want to score it!). Preheat the oven to 450 F.
  2. Place the brussel sprouts in a medium saucepan and add enough water to cover them. Put the pan over medium-low heat and simmer for 10-15 minutes.
  3. Once the sprouts are fork tender, spread them out on a greased, rimmed baking sheet. Bake the sprouts for 15 minutes in the top third of the oven, turning once halfway.
  4. While the sprouts are crisping up, put the balsamic vinegar in a small saucepan over medium heat and reduce until it is a thicker consistency, almost like a slightly warmed syrup. 
  5. Remove the brussel sprouts from the oven once they are getting brown and toss them in the balsamic vinegar reduction. Serve immediately and devour them. 

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