Monday, May 30, 2011

Asparagus Wontons

I have been dreaming about making my own ravioli for about 5 years, but I also have had many nightmares about making my own pasta dough. I know, I'm so hard done by. The other day I was at the grocery store and smack in the middle of the produce section I found wonton wrappers!!! And immediately I had a flashback to a recipe I had once read that used wonton wrappers for ravioli dough... So of course I coughed up the $3 for 200 wrappers.

As you might have noticed is that this post is not titled "Ravioli!" or "Wonton Ravioli" but instead I'm soliciting a wonton recipe. Don't worry, you won't be disappointed!

I was in need of a quick snack because the lunch I was making for myself and the BF was taking forever to cook, and as I rummaged through the fridge for an idea I saw the wonton wrappers! I just threw together flavors that I hoped would mesh well with a wonton concept, and the BF and I were delighted with the results! 

Of course, as with most of my recipes, feel free to take risks and try out different veggies and flavors!

  • 16 wonton wrappers
  • a wee bit of water in a bowl (like a tablespoon!)
  • 6 stalks of asparagus
  • 1 garlic clove
  • 1/4 tsp ginger powder
  • 3 tablespoons cream cheese
  • pinch of black ground pepper
  1. Preheat the oven to 350 F and lightly grease a cookie sheet. Put a medium skillet over medium-high heat. 
  2. Finely chop the garlic and asparagus, and add to the hot skillet with a splash of olive oil. Cook for 1-2 minutes, then turn heat to medium-low.
  3. Add the ginger, cream cheese, and pepper to the skillet and cook for 5 minutes. 
  4. Remove the filling from the heat and prepare a work surface.
  5. Put 1 tsp of filling in the center of a wonton wrapper. Use your finger to lightly wet the edges of the wrapper. Lift the corners to the center, pinching the edges together to form a pyramid. Place on the cookie sheet and repeat with the rest of the wontons. 
  6. Bake for 12-15 minutes, until crisp and golden. Let cool for a few minutes before serving. The BF dipped these puppies in soy sauce and I preferred them in a sweet Thai chili sauce. 

PS stay tuned for my ricotta and Italian sausage ravioli recipe!

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