Tuesday, June 14, 2011

Fried Bananas and Whipped Cream

When I was 6, my family took off to Central America for six months. At the time, I was under the impression that months and years were the same thing so I was a bit nervous at the prospect of leaving home for 6 years.... but after learning the difference between months and years and experiencing the pure joy of travel, let's just say I love my parents for deciding it was a good idea to quit their jobs, rent out their house, and move to a place we'd never been before. Not to mention the whole Spanish language thing.

Anyway, I can remember eating fried plantains with whipped cream, and later that week someone in the house was a genius and decided to use bananas to recreate that dish... I have never been a fan of plantains unless they are smothered in green chili and beans, so putting them into a sweet dessert didn't hit the spot. Bananas fried in butter, however, are pure magic.

This is probably the simplest dessert you can imagine, and if you buy a can of whipped cream rather make your own it is even easier to whip up. Ha. Ha. Whip up. 

  • 1 banana - you want this more on the green/yellow side than deep yellow
  • 1 tablespoon butter
  • Whipping cream - pint
  • 1 tablespoon sugar
  • 1 teaspoon vanilla
  1. Pour the whipping cream into a large bowl.  Blend on high until it becomes fluffly but peaks do not form. Add the sugar and vanilla, then continue to whip until soft peaks form. Be careful not to over-beat because you will make butter if you go to far :)
  2. Heat a skillet over medium heat. Slice the banana lengthwise into 1/2 inch thick strips. Add the butter to the pan, and coat the bottom. Add the banana slices and cook until browned, then carefully flip over and brown the other side. 
  3. Serve hot with a plop of whipped cream on top.

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