Sunday, September 18, 2011

Pasta with Prosciutto, Peas and Alfredo

My bf's mom makes prosciutto-wrapped asparagus that is to die for, so on a recent trip to the grocery store I was determined to make some for myself because I was craving it like no other. Seriously, it's one of those foods like corn dogs or peanut m&ms where it cannot be substituted for anything else. I was on a mission. And then the grocery store had no asparagus left! I decided to just throw together a quick pasta because I was starving and the bf texted to say he was starving... I thought I was just going to have a basic meal with some prosciutto mixed in (to get my fix, of course) but I was wrong, oh baby I was sooo wrong! And that is a good thing.

The combination of the intense prosciutto, green peas that pop between your teeth, and Alfredo sauce is divine. And guess what? It's easy as all get out.

Here is the recipe, try not to drool too much when you serve this dish!

2 servings pasta - shells, rigatoni, etc. (8 oz per person)
2 cups frozen peas
8 slices prosciutto
Alfredo sauce (you can whip it up yourself or use store-bought, your choice!)

  1. Cook pasta according to instructions, meanwhile let the peas sit at room temperature while you slice up the prosciutto. I like to cut thin strips, about 1 inch long, but whatever size you desire is fine. 
  2. Once the pasta is done cooking, pour the pasta into a strainer and put the pot back on the stove over medium heat. Add the prosciutto, then after it has crisped up a bit (2-4 minutes) add the peas and Alfredo sauce. Stir for 2 minutes, then turn the heat to low and add in the pasta. 
  3. Mix until each noodle has been coated by the sauce, remove from the heat and serve.

Additions such as spinach, sauteed mushrooms, garlic, onion, and even pine nuts are fantastic! This is also great kept for leftovers!
You can use long noodles like spaghetti or angel hair, but small ones that can act as little vessels for the sauce are ideal!

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