Tuesday, September 27, 2011

Slow Cooker Short Ribs

After recently eating grilled beef ribs and wanting more more more and then peeking at Pioneer Woman's blog this last week, I knew I was done for. Not to mention, the grocery store had a special on short ribs, so I think it was a message from the universe saying go for it, Gail, eat some short ribs this week.

Short ribs are hearty, delicious, and perfect for the pre-holidays in the fall.

Because I've spent the past few hours hemming and hawing over which version of short ribs tickles me the most, I've decided to give you all of my versions because they are all sooooo good and soooooo easy. Like, sad easy. Like, you will have a moment of panic when you are finished assembling everything because you'll think that you forgot half the recipe. It just makes these short ribs that much more glorious, in my book.

4 short ribs
2 cups of sauce

  • Peanut sauce (Thai style)
  • Barbeque sauce
  • Enchilada sauce
  • Green chile sauce
  • White wine + 2 tablespoons each butter/flour
  • Red wine + 2 tablespoons each butter/flour
  • Cream + beef stock, equal parts

Put the ribs in the slow cooker, top with sauce, and cook on high heat for 5 1/2 hours, flipping the ribs and stirring the sauce halfway through.


What to serve with the ribs:
  • Sauteed mushrooms
  • Roasted Asparagus with garlic and lemon
  • Roasted squash
  • Stuffing
  • Creamed spinach
  • Rice/Quinoa
  • Mashed taters
  • Green bean casserole

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