Monday, September 26, 2011

Stuffed Poblanos with Slaw

Here in Victoria, poblanos are a bit like best-meal-of-my-life-why-can't-I-remember-that-restaurants'-name-or-place? moments.. You know they're out there, somewhere, and you've tasted it before and you want more of it... but you can't seem to find it. I have been trying to make stuffed poblanos for my bf's familia since last summer, but each time I peruse the pepper section the poblanos are gone. I was beginning to wonder if they even stocked poblanos until the other day... I know, I know, I should have just titled this "Spoiler Alert" because obviously I found a poblano to stuff and devour, which is exactly what I'm having for dinner tonight.

My sister is a genius and she mentioned that hot sauce (specifically, Chipotle hot sauce) on coleslaw is divine, and it's been my new obsession of late. Tonight I tried something different yet equally simple, I mixed my slaw with salsa, and it was the perfect side to the stuffed pepper. I am not putting an actual recipe for the slaw because it would be exactly what I just described, but with to taste written next to the coleslaw and salsa... not really a recipe.

Anywho, enjoy the poblano!

Serves 1
  • 1 poblano
  • 3 large white mushrooms
  • 2 green onions
  • 1 cup spinach
  • 3 tablespoons shredded cheddar
  • spices (ground garlic, salt, pepper, cayenne, cumin, etc.)
  1. Preheat the oven to 425 F. Cut a circle around the top of the poblano and tug to remove the stem. If there are still seeds and membrane attached inside, use a skinny knife to slice them off, taking care not to puncture the pepper. 
  2. Heat a small pan to medium and chop the onions and mushrooms into small pieces. Add to the pan with canola oil and saute the veggies for 3 minutes. Add the spinach and continue cooking until it's wilted.Set the pan aside to cool. 
  3. Once the mushroom mix is cooled, spoon it carefully into the poblano (I like to use a little spoon so that I can tamp it down inside!) until it's full to the brim.
  4. Wrap the stuffed poblano tightly in foil, and bake on a cookie sheet for 25 minutes. 
  5. Open the foil, let the pepper sit for 5 minutes, then serve with the slaw (or Mexican rice, guacamole, beans, squash, or a salad!).

- Poblanos are yummy with any stuffing, so feel free to try out as many variations as you want. Here are some iedas for stuffing combinations:
  • Roasted squash, pumpkin seeds, rice, cheese
  • Corn, tomatoes, lean ground beef
  • Rice, beans, cheese, tomatoes
  • Cilantro, garlic, caramelized onions, cheese
  • Ground pork, pine nuts, cream cheese, spinach

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